The professionals at Alpha Center truly care about the well-being of our Clients, and we know that wise future planning is the key to security and contentment for life after divorce. That is why every Client is given the opportunity to meet individually with a financial counselor after their Marital Settlement Agreement is signed. This service is included at no cost with the legal service.
The advice Clients receive in this meeting can change the trajectory of their finances from a downward spiral toward upward growth and stability.
The Alpha Center takes a holistic approach to client finances. The Alpha Center Councilor reviews all financial documentation including the Marital Settlement Agreement to have a full understanding of clients new situation. Our review actively engages the clients thoughts and opinions in creating a forward looking budget and balance sheet. These documents can then be used to track client progress towards a stable financial future. We also take time to objectively review investment and retirement portfolios to ensure those assets accurately reflect the clients new updated situation and need.