Divorce changes relationship dynamics, but it rarely severs all connections, especially when shared responsibilities remain. Establishing healthy boundaries after divorce is crucial for emotional healing …
Infidelity and Divorce After living through my own divorce and helping thousands of people through theirs, I have learned many important lessons never taught …
Michael Hughes, Esq., an attorney-mediator at Alpha Center for Divorce Mediation, discusses tips on co-parenting when going through a divorce to make your child’s life better.
Infidelity in marriage is a devastating experience. It may take years to heal from shattered trust and intense feelings of betrayal. Some marriages recover; many …
Divorcing couples are often concerned about the timing of when one spouse should leave the marital home. From an economic perspective, it is more efficient …
The time between divorce and an established new life can be as stressful as going the divorce process. Greg Hubbard, an attorney-mediator at Alpha Center …