
Home » Vacation ideas for the smaller income

May 23, 2011

Vacation ideas for the smaller income

Divorce and General Articles, Finances

 I found this amazing website hosted by a couple of avid travelers and complete with travel tips and vacation ideas for everyone, regardless of the family type.  Most suggestions are contributions from people who have been there and offer insights that are not tied to anyone trying to sell you something. 

Check out www.1001-vacation-ideas.com  but don’t stop there. 

When planning a vacation, first think on what you would like to experience.  Then think out of the box!  Since my divorce, I’ve been “Golfing to the Gulf” where my son and I went from the East coast of Florida to the West, from golf course to golf course (public courses).  Another year we took a road trip “Lighting up Lighthouses” and searched for lighthouses up and down the coasts of Maine, Mass, Rhode Island and New York.  A third year was spent ice fishing in theArctic.  Now you wouldn’t normally think this would be a “budget” vacation, but in reality – we traveled with another family splitting a lot of the costs!

It really just takes a bit of forethought and creativity and you can experience the vacation of your dreams.  Have you heard of house swap?  There are sites that promote people swapping houses as a vacation alternative.  In fact, there was a movie about it with Jude Law, Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslow!   Two women exchanged homes for Holiday – one going to a small village inEnglandand the other to LA.  I’m not suggesting that your life will change dramatically should you switch homes with someone for a week or two – it is a movie folks.  The point being, there are tons of alternatives to the beach resort vacation scenario that many people fall back on when thinking of a vacation.    In fact, take a vacation in your own backyard.  Local day trips are often inexpensive and great way to spend time experiencing your own city or state. 

Vacation is really more of a mind set than anything else.  Put down the cell phone, turn off the computer and TV and do something different with your day!  Have fun.