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Caught in the Middle: Protecting the Children of High-Conflict Divorce
Carla Garrity and Mitchell Baris, Josey-Bass, Inc., 1994. Examines causes and consequences of parental conflict and offers advice on how to make co-parenting work, even in high conflict divorce.
Vicky Lansky, Book Peddlers, 1996. Self-help guide through the stages of separation and divorce. Age-specific advice in a down-to-earth approach.
The Divorce Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Move Beyond the Break Up
Lisa M. Schab, LCSW, New Harbinger Pubn, Mar 1, 2008. When parents divorce during the already challenging adolescent years, teens can really struggle with the transition. In fact, despite their greater awareness and cognitive sophistication, teens can often take divorce much harder than younger children. The exercise and activities in “The Divorce Workbook for Teens” can help resolve issues of guilt, depression, anger and self-blame that young people may experience, and they can help teens retain a positive image of themselves and their families.
Helping Children Survive Divorce: What to Expect…
Archibald D. Hart, Thomas Nelson; 1997. In a friendly, heart-to-heart language, this author offers divorced parents specific ways to help children cope with the psychological and social damage that comes with divorce.
Questions from Dad: A Very Cool Way to Communicate with Kids
Dwight Twilley, Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc.; 1994. Helps parents with ideas for communicating with his/her child after a divorce to establish, increase, and maintain emotional closeness. The author is a writer and musician. He illustrates a creative way to communicate with his child by creating “Dad’s Test” that asks questions about the child and his/her interests.
Everything Parent’s Guide To Children And Divorce: Reassuring Advice to Help Your Family Adjust
Adams Media (2005) – December 12, 2005, provides you with the information you need to prepare your children for this adjustment. This handbook advises you on: Communicating openly about divorce, Supporting your child emotionally, Running a single-parent family, Anticipating problem behaviors, Helping your child feel comfortable at school and with friends, Preventing your child from “acting out”. Carl E. Pickhardt, Ph.D.
Making Divorce Easier on Your Child: 50 Effective Ways to Help Children Adjust
Nicholas Long, Rex L. Forehand, NTC Publishing Group; 2002. Informative and sensible, offering realistic, clear-cut recommendations offers parents 50 effective strategies and action for helping their children cope with divorce.